I am tall, I am strong, I have stood here a lifetime,
On these rocks high and proud you will see me at night.
If you catch a clear day and you look at the right time,
You will see me relentlessly shining my light.
And I sing all day long through the fog and the fray,
And I watch for the sailors, the lost and the brave.
When you stray toward land here I am, I’m your man,
The most humble of slaves, I’m the lighthouse.
I’m a motionless fairer, I can stand any weather,
I’m big, bold and brawny and stronger than most.
I can deal with all-comers, the bad and the roughest,
I’m the toughest of seadogs this side of the coast.
And the wind whips away at my walls night and day,
I’m near constantly frozen and drenched in salt spray.
I’ve been battered and beaten and near washed away,
Here I am, I’m your man, I’m the lighthouse.
The things I have seen while I’ve been on my duties,
I’ve fair held my breath when they’ve turned ships about.
I’ve seen sailors fear death, I’ve seen it on their faces,
I’ve heard grown men crying and pray, sob and shout,
If I’m truthful there’s times when meself I have prayed.
During great storms and lashings and hundred foot waves,
I’ve been thrashed and assailed yet my light still prevails.
Here I am, I’m your man, I’m the lighthouse!
This is a contemporary song about Yorkshire.
This song was written by and is sung by Anna Shannon of Scarborough.
I wanted to write a song about the Lighthouse as if it was a person with a human character. It would be brawny, fearless and have a heart of gold. The Scarborough lighthouse has been a familiar sight to me since a tiny child.
Available on CD from www.annashannon.co.uk